Category Archives: ATF Guidance Letters

Can I purchase a stripped lower from an out-of-state dealer?

I was recently contacted by a gun owner who attempted to purchase a stripped lower from an out-of-state dealer and the dealer refused the sale.  The dealer had completely confused the issue by telling him that stripped lowers must be … Continue reading

Posted in 4473, 80% Lower, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, Federal Law, FFL Issues, Interstate Firearm Transfers, Non Resident Issues, Purchasing Firearms | Comments Off on Can I purchase a stripped lower from an out-of-state dealer?

Do I lose my gun rights if I voluntarily seek mental health treatment?

The criteria for which types of mental health issues might give rise to a gun rights prohibition under either state or federal law is staggeringly complex. For the average citizen, unfamiliar with researching and parsing legal language, the task of understanding this … Continue reading

Posted in 4473, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, Criminal Law, Federal Law, Mental Health, Purchasing Firearms, Virginia Law | Comments Off on Do I lose my gun rights if I voluntarily seek mental health treatment?

The ATF is effectively reversing their position on stabilizing braces once again

In the Fall of 2014, I wrote about a series of actions on the part of the ATF that lead me to believe that they were attempting to modify their interpretation of the stabilizing brace issue. On January 16, 2015 … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, AR Pistols, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Stabilizing Brace | Comments Off on The ATF is effectively reversing their position on stabilizing braces once again

May an FFL rent handguns and provide ammunition to those under 21 for on-premises use?

I have written before about the differences between Virginia law and federal law where the age to acquire, possess, and carry handguns is concerned. In that article I note that FFL’s are prohibited under 18 USC § 922(b)(1) from ‘selling or delivering‘ … Continue reading

Posted in Age To Possess, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, Federal Law, FFL Issues, Range Issues, Virginia Law | Comments Off on May an FFL rent handguns and provide ammunition to those under 21 for on-premises use?

Does putting a bipod on a pistol make it an AOW?

I received an email this morning from a client asking whether or not they could add a bipod to their pistol without making it an AOW. As I have pointed out on more than one occasion, the answer to almost … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, AOW, AR Pistols, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, Criminal Law, Firearms Technology Branch, Stabilizing Brace | Comments Off on Does putting a bipod on a pistol make it an AOW?