Category Archives: Regulatory Rulemaking

ATF is trying to redefine pistol braces yet again

UPDATE:  The guidance document has been withdrawn. Before we talk about the latest development, let’s take a second to bring everyone up to speed on the long history of this issue. March 2014 – They are fine Back in March … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, AR Pistols, ATF Guidance Letters, ATF Ruling, BATFE, Due Process, Federal Law, Firearms Technology Branch, Manufacturing, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, Stabilizing Brace, Tax Stamp | Comments Off on ATF is trying to redefine pistol braces yet again

Status of the Bump Fire Stock Ban

I receive calls almost every day from clients asking for an update on the status of the bump fire stock ban. The ban is currently scheduled to go into effect (with items surrendered or destroyed) on March 26, 2019 unless … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, ATF, ATF Ruling, BATFE, Bump Fire Stocks, Federal Law, Machine Guns, Regulatory Rulemaking | Comments Off on Status of the Bump Fire Stock Ban

Can I purchase a firearm from a dealer if I have a misdemeanor drug possession arrest or conviction?

Occasionally I will receive a call from a thoroughly confused potential client who has been denied a firearms purchase and doesn’t understand why. They were able to honestly answer all of the questions on the ATF Form 4473 in the … Continue reading

Posted in 4473, Administrative Law, ATF, Background Checks, BATFE, Criminal Law, Federal Law, Prohibited Persons, Purchasing Firearms, Regulatory Rulemaking | Comments Off on Can I purchase a firearm from a dealer if I have a misdemeanor drug possession arrest or conviction?

May a machine shop allow customers to use their machinery to finish 80% lowers?

  I was recently contacted by a firearms enthusiast who is also the owner of a machine shop.  He wanted to know if he could host an event where he opened his shop to a group of fellow shooters so … Continue reading

Posted in 80% Lower, ATF, ATF Ruling, BATFE, Manufacturing, Regulatory Rulemaking | Comments Off on May a machine shop allow customers to use their machinery to finish 80% lowers?

Understanding 41P / 41F

The other shoe has finally dropped … As many have been predicting since the action date was moved to January last month, yesterday the Attorney General signed a final version of 41P (now known as 41F). The final rule, which … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, Background Checks, BATFE, CLEO Notification, CLEO Sign-Off, eForms, Form 1, Form 4, Machine Guns, NFA Transfers, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns | Tagged | Comments Off on Understanding 41P / 41F