Category Archives: BATFE

eForm 1: Documents needed

In the past, I have attempted to assist clients in filing their eForm 1 applications.  The sheer volume has made it impossible for me to continue offering that as a free service since it can take over half-an-hour per application … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 80% Lower, Administrative Law, AOW, AR Pistols, AR-15, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, eForms, Form 1, Form 23, Manufacturing, NFA Trusts, Processing Times, SBR, SBS, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns | Comments Off on eForm 1: Documents needed

Common mistakes when completing a Form 20

Whenever you need to temporarily or permanently transport a Short-Barreled Rifle (SBR), Short-Barreled Shotgun (SBS), Machinegun, or Destructive Device (DD) across state lines, you will need an approved ATF Form 5320.20 (more commonly known as just Form 20) before doing … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, ATF, BATFE, Destructive Devices, Federal Law, Form 20, Interstate Move, Interstate Travel, Machine Guns, NFA Trusts, SBR, SBS, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns | Comments Off on Common mistakes when completing a Form 20

Can I purchase a stripped lower from an out-of-state dealer?

I was recently contacted by a gun owner who attempted to purchase a stripped lower from an out-of-state dealer and the dealer refused the sale.  The dealer had completely confused the issue by telling him that stripped lowers must be … Continue reading

Posted in 4473, 80% Lower, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, Federal Law, FFL Issues, Interstate Firearm Transfers, Non Resident Issues, Purchasing Firearms | Comments Off on Can I purchase a stripped lower from an out-of-state dealer?

What impact will the Fix NICS bill have on NICS appeals?

I was recently debating with a gun control advocate about the increased burden that is imposed on law-abiding gun owners when we add more and more records to the NICS system.  I was specifically discussing the prevalence of erroneous matches. … Continue reading

Posted in ATF, Background Checks, BATFE, Due Process, Federal Law, Fix NICS, NICS, Prohibited Persons, Purchasing Firearms | Tagged | Comments Off on What impact will the Fix NICS bill have on NICS appeals?

Do I need an FFL if all I am going to do is manufacture and sell cast bullets?

I received a call from a client last week asking this question. He wanted to start a business manufacturing cast bullets which he would then sell online and at flea markets. He was hoping that, because he was only dealing … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, AECA, Ammunition, Ammunition Components, ATF, BATFE, Federal Law, FFL Issues, ITAR, Manufacturing, USML | Comments Off on Do I need an FFL if all I am going to do is manufacture and sell cast bullets?