Category Archives: 41F

The industry is moving quickly to minimize the impact of 41F

The only thing more powerful than a giant bureaucracy is the inventiveness of free enterprise. Therefore, it is no surprise that the firearms industry is already hard at work minimizing the impacts of 41F on the use of NFA trusts. … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 41P, Administrative Law, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, FFL Issues, Form 1, Form 23, Form 4, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on The industry is moving quickly to minimize the impact of 41F

Filing last minute paper Form 1’s

We have finally arrived at the final day to submit Form 1 and Form 4 applications and have them processed under the pre-41F rules. As anticipated and feared, the eForms system has been flaky and unavailable for the last several … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, BATFE, eForms, Form 1, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on Filing last minute paper Form 1’s

The ATF has finally posted updated guidance on 41F

We have been waiting for final guidance and approved forms from the ATF on the 41F implementation for some time and they have finally posted an update on their website which includes links to the new forms. Much of what they … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, eForms, Form 1, Form 23, Form 4, Form 5, NFA Transfers, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on The ATF has finally posted updated guidance on 41F

Understanding 41P / 41F

The other shoe has finally dropped … As many have been predicting since the action date was moved to January last month, yesterday the Attorney General signed a final version of 41P (now known as 41F). The final rule, which … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, Background Checks, BATFE, CLEO Notification, CLEO Sign-Off, eForms, Form 1, Form 4, Machine Guns, NFA Transfers, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns | Tagged | Comments Off on Understanding 41P / 41F