Reducing your trust’s ‘responsible persons’ after 41F

Reduction“What can I do to my trust to reduce the number of people who need to be fingerprinted and photographed?”

Now that 41F is actually in effect, I am getting dozens of emails with some version of this question.

The good news is that I believe there is a way to reduce the number of people who need to be fingerprinted and photographed while still allowing them temporary access to the items for hunting and sporting purposes:

IMPORTANT:  This advice is specific to trusts that I have drafted.  If you have a different trust, please consult with the attorney who drafted your trust.

The solution revolves around understanding which parties to a trust are affected by the new rule so let’s take a quick moment to review that question.

Under 41F, those persons who need to be fingerprinted, photographed, and notify their CLEO are known as ‘responsible persons’.  I have a detailed article here that breaks down my analysis of which parties on a trust are ‘responsible parties’ and which ones are not.

The summary version is this:

  • Settlor – Responsible Person
  • Joint Trustee – Responsible Person
  • Successor Trustee – No
  • Beneficiary – No

Therefore, our goal is simple.  If we are going to submit a new Form 4 or Form 1 application then we need to remove as many  Joint Trustees as possible.

That, in and of itself, is quite easy.  When I originally emailed you your trust, it was accompanied by a Word document containing blank schedules.  If you have lost that document, I still have it in your client file and will be glad to email you a replacement copy.

If you do not have Microsoft Word or would prefer my assistance, I would be glad to make the changes for you.

In either case, we simply use that template to print a new version of Schedule B with the selected Joint Trustees removed.  Once printed, you should:

  • Sign and date it with the current date (not the date that is on the other schedules)
  • Make as many copies of the signed and dated Schedule B as you have copies of the trust
    (including those held by joint or successor trustees and by beneficiaries)
  • Replace that page in all copies of the trust

Incidentally, it works the exact same way if you want to add a new Joint Trustee to the trust.  And that brings us to one of the questions that I have answered literally hundreds of times since 41F was published … “Do new trustees have to be fingerprinted and photographed when they are added to the trust?”

The answer is “Not unless you have a pending application.

The ATF addressed this in their 41F FAQ.  The relevant portion notes that:

Q: Will new responsible persons, added after the making or transfer, be subject to the same requirements?

A: Once an application has been approved, no documentation is required to be submitted to ATF when a new responsible person is added to a trust or legal entity. However, should a responsible person change after the application has been submitted, but before it is approved, the applicant or transferee must contact the NFA Branch for guidance.

So … while it is possible to remove joint trustees and then re-add them at a later date once all pending applications are approved, it certainly is not an ideal solution and deprives your friends and family of months of legal access to your NFA items.

But that is not the solution I am proposing for my clients.  Since Joint Trustees are ‘responsible persons’ while Beneficiaries are not, can we make the current Joint Trustees into Beneficiaries with the ability to possess NFA items at the discretion of the Settlor?  I believe under both state trust law, and the clear text of 41F, that we can.

Let start with the general premise that, in my trusts, Beneficiaries have no power to compel or control any aspects of the trust.  I make this clear in Section 5.1 where it states in part:

“My Trustee has the sole and absolute discretion to … deny a beneficiary benefits”

In 5.2 however, I note that Beneficiaries may have temporary possession of trust assets at the discretion of the Trustee (which in a trust with no Joint Trustees will be the Settlor). That section states:

“My Trustee must have actual or constructive possession of trust property at all times. My Trustee may document reasonable, temporary transfers of trust property to a beneficiary”

Taken together, I believe that under 41F, the Settlor may issue letters of authorization to Beneficiaries to possess items for temporary hunting or sporting activities (I will be posting a sample letter shortly).  This does not grant the same level of “treat it like you own it” possessory access that a Joint Trustee would have.  However, it will satisfy the needs of 99% of those persons who would have historically been listed as Joint Trustees, and most importantly, does not require them to be fingerprinted, photographed, or to provide CLEO notification.

So how do we add the former (now removed) Joint Trustees to our list of beneficiaries? We return to our Word template I provided.  In Schedule D, most of you will have language that looks something like the following:

Upon the death of the Settlor, 100% of trust assets are to be distributed to John Andrew Pierce.  If he predeceases the Settlor or is unable to take possession for any reason then 100% of trust assets should be distributed to Joshua William Pierce.  …

What we are going to do is leave the post-death section alone and add a section above it that will read like the following:

During the life of the Settlor, the following shall be beneficiaries of the trust with benefits available only at the sole and complete discretion of my Trustee: First Middle Last1, First Middle Last2, and First Middle Last3.

The resulting Schedule D will then describe beneficiaries both during the life and following the death of the Settlor as illustrated below:

During the life of the Settlor, the following shall be beneficiaries of the trust with benefits available only at the sole and complete discretion of my Trustee: First Middle Last1, First Middle Last2, and First Middle Last3.

Upon the death of the Settlor, 100% of trust assets are to be distributed to John Andrew Pierce.  If he predeceases the Settlor or is unable to take possession for any reason then 100% of trust assets should be distributed to Joshua William Pierce.  …

I want to stress that none of us in the legal community know exactly how the ATF will handle the various strategies we are each proposing for moving forward.  So I would advise my clients to only make such a change as-and-when they are ready to submit a new Form 4 or Form 1 (guides to the new forms will be posted shortly).

That will serve the dual purposes of not overwhelming me with requests to review changes all at once and giving the ATF a chance to approve or reject the theory.  We simply do not know how they will interpret a given instrument in the light of that loosely worded definition of ‘responsible person’.

As I have stated before, this entire analysis, and the resulting advice, may change completely if the ATF chooses to ignore the clear text of the regulation as they have already done where the 24 month exemption clause is concerned.

If you are one of those people who are ready to file a new Form 1 or Form 4 and would like me to assist you with making these proposed changes (knowing the uncertainty that will face the initial applicants), or would just like me to review them after you have made them, feel free to contact me.

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, Fingerprinting, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on Reducing your trust’s ‘responsible persons’ after 41F

Who is a ‘responsible person’ under 41F?

team“Just who are these ‘responsible persons’ the ATF keeps talking about?”

This is the key question that NFA Trust attorneys have been talking about since the final version of 41F was released earlier this year.

After all, we need to know the bounds of the rule so that we can advise our clients on the best way to reduce the impact of 41F on their collection activities.

The text of the rule has this to say about ‘responsible persons’ where trusts are concerned:

“[T]he term “responsible person” for a trust or legal entity includes those persons who have the power and authority to direct the management and policies of the trust or legal entity to receive, possess, ship, transport, deliver, transfer, or otherwise dispose of a firearm for, or on behalf of, the trust or entity.”

They go on to further ‘clarify’ by adding that:

“In the case of a trust, those with the power or authority to direct the management and policies of the trust include any person who has the capability to exercise such power AND possesses, directly or indirectly, the power or authority under any trust instrument, or under State law, to receive, possess, ship, transport, deliver, transfer, or otherwise dispose of a firearm for or on behalf of the trust.”

The language is clearly intended to cast a wide net and make as many parties to the trust as possible subject to the requirements of the rule.  However, you will note in both cases, the key element is the power to “direct the management and policies of the trust … to receive, possess, ship, transport, deliver, transfer, or otherwise dispose of a firearm for or on behalf of the trust.” 

Boiling this down further, the key element that makes someone a ‘responsible person’ is power.  Regardless of the title they have on the trust:

  • If a person can purchase an NFA item on behalf of the trust then they are a ‘responsible person’.
  • If a person can sell trust assets then they are a ‘responsible person’.
  • If a person can compel possession of trust assets then they are a ‘responsible person’.

Based upon my analysis of the regulation, on the trusts I provide my clients, only the Settlor themselves and the Joint Trustees laid out on Schedule B meet these requirements.

I have been asked by several people whether Successor Trustees (Schedule C) are considered ‘responsible persons’ and my considered opinion is that they are not. Successor Trustees are those who may, at some unspecified time in the future, take over to handle the distribution of trust assets to the beneficiaries.  However, they do not have any power currently on the trust and may never serve.

As for beneficiaries, even if they have been granted the ability to possess trust assets by a trustee, unless the distribution instructions on Schedule D grant them the power to compel possession or distribution while the Settlor is still alive then I believe that they do not meet the definition of ‘responsible persons’ either.

Based upon this breakdown, I am currently working on an article which will walk my clients through their options to manage ‘responsible persons’ on their trust.  I will link it here when it is complete.

Final Note: This analysis, and the resulting advice, may change if the ATF chooses to ignore the clear text of the regulation as they have already done where the 24 month exemption clause is concerned (I will be writing more about that later).

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, BATFE, Form 23, NFA Trusts, Responsible Persons | Comments Off on Who is a ‘responsible person’ under 41F?

The industry is moving quickly to minimize the impact of 41F

WorkaroundThe only thing more powerful than a giant bureaucracy is the inventiveness of free enterprise.

Therefore, it is no surprise that the firearms industry is already hard at work minimizing the impacts of 41F on the use of NFA trusts.

To understand what the industry is doing, let’s first let’s take a quick look at what exactly changed as part of 41F.  After all, there is a lot of misinformation concerning 41F that is being spread by word of mouth and the internet.

As a trust applicant, what exactly will you have to do after 41F that you didn’t have to do before?

1)  Each ‘responsible person’ (more about that later) of the trust will have to complete and submit a  Form 5320.23 (Form 23).

2)  This form will need to be accompanied by fingerprints of the responsible person taken on 2 FBI (FD-258) fingerprint cards.

3)  This form will need to have a passport quality / size photo affixed.

4)  A copy of the form will need to be sent to the CLEO of the responsible person.

That’s it.  Other than that, NFA trusts will continue to offer the same usage, asset protection, and estate planning benefits as before.

So how can the industry help to alleviate the additional application burden?  One answer is to provide a one-stop experience for getting fingerprinting and photos.

Silencer Shop was the first (to my knowledge) to announce such an initiative with their Kiosk System.  But now that 41F is in effect, the floodgates have opened and almost all major Class 3 dealers have announced plans to offer in-store fingerprinting and photographs.

One example is SafeSide Tactical in Roanoke Virginia.  Starting today they will take your fingerprints, take your photo, help you to complete the Form 23, and mail it to your CLEO, all for a nominal per-responsible-person fee.

They will offer this service to both those purchasing NFA items on a Form 4 and those building items on a Form 1.  However, the fee will be discounted for those purchasing items in-store.

Green Top in Richmond has announced plans to have a Silencer Shop kiosk in-house.

While I have not had time to compile a comprehensive list, I predict that almost every single Class 3 dealer in the state will ultimately offer some form of this service.

What do I base this prediction upon?

  1.  Industry leaders are already doing it.
  2. The cost for the equipment and training is negligible.
  3. It is an additional revenue stream
  4. Any dealer who does not ultimately offer this service will be at a significant competitive disadvantage.

So whether you are new to the NFA world or an experienced collector you should rest assured that an NFA Trust will continue to be the preferred method of ownership.


Question:  What are ‘responsible persons’?

Answer:  There has been a lot written about this topic but as far as trusts I have developed are concerned, only the Settlor and the joint/co-trustees named on Schedule B are considered ‘responsible persons’.

Question:  Does adding trustees to my trust require a Form 23 be submitted with fingerprints and photographs?

Answer:  No.  Not unless you subsequently file a Form 4 or a Form 1.  I will be writing more about this over the next few days.

Question:  Is it acceptable to the ATF for non-law enforcement to take fingerprints for the Form 23?

Answer: Yes.  ON page 150 of 41F they note that

“Fingerprints may be taken by anyone who is properly equipped to take them (see instructions on ATF Form 1, Form 4, Form 5, and Form 5320.23). Therefore, applicants may utilize the service of any business or government agency that is properly equipped to take fingerprints. Depending on where the fingerprints are taken, the service may require an appointment, and appointment availability may be limited. Some businesses provide evening and weekend appointments and a number of private companies provide mobile fingerprinting services at a location chosen by the customer to be fingerprinted. Additionally, some mobile fingerprinting services offer special pricing to groups of individuals who need to be fingerprinted.”


Posted in 41F, 41P, Administrative Law, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, FFL Issues, Form 1, Form 23, Form 4, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on The industry is moving quickly to minimize the impact of 41F

Filing last minute paper Form 1’s

We have finally arrived at the final day to submit Form 1 and Form 4 applications and have them processed under the pre-41F rules.

As anticipated and feared, the eForms system has been flaky and unavailable for the last several days.  This morning it is completely unresponsive.

I have been getting literally dozens of calls from clients who want to file last minute Form 1’s and I am telling them that it is time to go paper.  Since most of us have been spoiled by the eForms system, here is a refresher on doing the paper Form 1 process.

** This guide was intended for use on July 12th only and is now superseded ** 

** Click here for a complete guide to filing the new Form 1 **

Important Note: We are going to use the old version of the Form 1 (a fillable version is available here).  This version will be made obsolete tomorrow since the ATF will only accept the new Forms for any applications made July 13th and later but for today’s purposes, this is what we need.

Let’s start with the top of page 1.  The following image is a loop of how to fill out these fields.  

*** Click on the image for a larger and clearer version.

A few comments about this section of the Form 1.

  1.  We leave Trade Name blank.
  2. The address in 3b is your Mailing Address.  If your physical address is different then it goes into 3c.  Otherwise, we leave 3c blank.
  3. Virginia is one of the few states where some independent cities are outside of counties. If you live in an independent city (like Alexandria) instead of the county then put your city in 3d (e.g.  “Alexandria City”).   Otherwise you simply put your county name.
  4. When entering the Manufacturer Name and Location, Model, and Serial Number, it is critical that you enter them exactly as they are engraved on the lower!  The ATF has been rejecting a large number of applications recently based upon bad info in these fields.
  5. Do NOT put ‘Multi’ as the caliber.  While you may have multiple uppers for your registered lower, you need to declare a specific primary configuration in this application and you need to retain the ability to return to this configuration.
  6. If you have a foreign manufactured firearm, you put the name and location of the original manufacturer in 4a, not the importer (which might also be engraved on the lower).
  7. If you are manufacturing your own suppressor, or your own SBR based on an un-serialized 80% lower, then your trust is the manufacturer and you should put the trust name, city, and state in 4a.  In this scenario, you will also need to designate the model name and the serial number.
  8. The options for 4b are:  silencer, machinegun, short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, or destructive device.  There have been unconfirmed reports of ATF rejecting applications for putting ‘Suppressor’ instead of ‘Silencer’ in this field.

The bottom of page 1 has only a few fields we need to fill in.

*** Click on the image for a larger and clearer version.


The only comment I have here is that you should not forget to sign in box 7.

The top of page 2 is the law enforcement certification which does not apply to trust applicants but you will need to answer the questions in box 11 as they apply to you, the person completing the form.  In the example below, I am completing them as I personally would answer them but you will need to answer them truthfully as they apply to you!

*** Click on the image for a larger and clearer version.


There are two notes here.

  1. If you are a resident alien here on a non-immigrant visa then you will also need to complete questions 13 through 16.
  2. Until tomorrow, photographs are not required for trust applicants and you may skip box 12.

Finally we come to the last page which is really only concerned with payment.  I generally recommend paying via personal check but there is no wrong answer here as long as you make sure to submit a valid payment.

*** Click on the image for a larger and clearer version.


If you are paying via credit card then do not forget to sign at the bottom of this section.

That’s it as far as filling out the form is concerned.  But we are not done yet.  We need to get this form printed properly and put together a complete packet to mail to the ATF.  Let’s start with how to print out and sign the filled-in form.

  1. You must print the form front and back (double-sided). If you print it out front side only, (which would be the default for 99% of all printers) then your otherwise complete application will be rejected.
  2. You must print and sign 2 copies for each item you are building.
  3. The ATF requires all signatures to be in either blue or black ink.
  4. When signing, sign your name as you normally would and then add “, as Trustee” at the end.

Now we need to prepare the packet to mail to the ATF.  Note that If you are building more than one NFA item, you will need a separate packet for each item.

This packet should include:

  • 2 copies of the completed Form 1 printed front and back as noted above with original signatures in blue or black ink on both copies
  • 2 copies of your notarized trust instrument (including all schedules)
  • Payment for the amount of the tax ($200) payable to BATFE

The entire packet should be mailed to:

National Firearms Act Branch
P.O. Box 530298
Atlanta, GA 30353-0298

In order to be processed under the pre-41F rules, applications must be postmarked with today’s date.  You should make sure to take the packet to the counter at your local post office to insure it is postmarked.

If this guide leaves any questions unanswered, I will be taking calls all day in the order they are received.

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, BATFE, eForms, Form 1, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on Filing last minute paper Form 1’s

The ATF has finally posted updated guidance on 41F

DirectionWe have been waiting for final guidance and approved forms from the ATF on the 41F implementation for some time and they have finally posted an update on their website which includes links to the new forms.

Much of what they provide in this link is in keeping with our previous understanding of how 41F would be implemented.

Here are a few key clarifications:

1)  The ATF has stated on a number of occasions that applications postmarked (in the case of paper forms) or submitted (in the case of eForms) will be processed under the old rules if the were submitted / postmarked “by July 13th”.  Here, they make it clear that what they mean is “prior to July 13th.

2)  Any applications submitted on or after July 13th must be on the new forms or they will be rejected.

3)  All ‘responsible persons’ on a trust will need to complete the new Form 5320.23 (Form 23) and attach a passport size / quality photo taken within the previous year, and  provide two FD-258 fingerprint cards.  I will be posting more about this requirement and how the industry is working to simplify compliance in my next article.

4)  As for who is considered to be a ‘responsible person’ on a given trust, this is based upon the powers and level of control granted to a given party by the trust instrument.  In the trust instruments I have prepared for my clients, I believe that only the Settlor and the Joint Trustees, as laid out on Schedule B, will fall under this definition.

3)  The final rule also requires that “[t]he applicant on the Form 1 and the transferee on the Forms 4 and 5 shall forward a completed copy of the application to the chief law enforcement officer of the locality in which the applicant or transferee is located.”  By not placing a specific requirement upon the applicant as to how the ‘forwarding’ is to be accomplished, it appears that by signing the new Form 23, the ‘responsible person’ is self-certifying that they have complied.

4)  In addition to the applicant forwarding a copy of the Form 1 / 4 / 5 to their CLEO, all ‘responsible persons’ must also send a copy of their completed Form 23 to their local CLEO in the jurisdiction where they reside.  As you can imagine, this leaves open a number of questions concerning joint trustees in non-NFA states.

And there are still other questions to be answered:

  • How will the ‘preceding 24 month’ exclusion be implemented?
  • Is eForms gone for good after all the money the ATF has spent?

I will be following up shortly with several articles, including one on how to add or remove joint trustees.

Stay tuned …

Posted in 41F, 41P, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, eForms, Form 1, Form 23, Form 4, Form 5, NFA Transfers, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on The ATF has finally posted updated guidance on 41F