Category Archives: Administrative Law

Does putting a bipod on a pistol make it an AOW?

I received an email this morning from a client asking whether or not they could add a bipod to their pistol without making it an AOW. As I have pointed out on more than one occasion, the answer to almost … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, AOW, AR Pistols, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, Criminal Law, Firearms Technology Branch, Stabilizing Brace | Comments Off on Does putting a bipod on a pistol make it an AOW?

The industry is moving quickly to minimize the impact of 41F

The only thing more powerful than a giant bureaucracy is the inventiveness of free enterprise. Therefore, it is no surprise that the firearms industry is already hard at work minimizing the impacts of 41F on the use of NFA trusts. … Continue reading

Posted in 41F, 41P, Administrative Law, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Notification, FFL Issues, Form 1, Form 23, Form 4, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on The industry is moving quickly to minimize the impact of 41F

What’s going on with 41p now?

UPDATE:  The final rule has been released ————————————————— Since the comment period for 41p ended on December 9th, 2013, we have been waiting to see how the ATF would respond to the record breaking number of comments they received, which … Continue reading

Posted in 41P, Administrative Law, AOW, ATF, BATFE, CLEO Sign-Off, Federal Law, Form 1, Form 4, Machine Guns, NFA Transfers, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, Tax Stamp | Comments Off on What’s going on with 41p now?

The ATF has pushed the date for 41P back yet again

Not a single day goes by without someone asking me about ‘ATF banning the use of trusts.‘ I long ago started translating those words in my mind to ‘Please explain the details of 41p and regulatory rulemaking to me.‘ So … Continue reading

Posted in 41P, Administrative Law, ATF, BATFE, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on The ATF has pushed the date for 41P back yet again

Sig Sauer issues a press release hinting at legal action over stabilizing brace issue

Update:  For the latest news on the stabilizing brace issue, see my March 21, 2017 update. … I received a call today from a client who had just read my article about the ATF’s open letter concerning the stabilizing brace issue. … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, AR Pistols, ATF, ATF Guidance Letters, BATFE, SBR, Stabilizing Brace | Comments Off on Sig Sauer issues a press release hinting at legal action over stabilizing brace issue