Category Archives: Second Amendment

D.C. announces intent to make permitting system “as restrictive as possible”

It was no surprise when a 90 day stay was granted in the case of Palmer v. D.C.   And it should come as no surprise that D.C. is planning to use that time to make sure that whatever system ultimately … Continue reading

Posted in 4th Circuit, DC Law, Federal Law, Second Amendment | Comments Off on D.C. announces intent to make permitting system “as restrictive as possible”

The devil is in the details with proposed NFA trust changes

As of last Monday’s Federal Register, we now have the full text of the proposed regulatory changes that the Obama Administration is pushing to close what they are calling the ‘trust loophole’ and it is far worse than I had … Continue reading

Posted in 41P, ATF, BATFE, Estate Planning, Form 1, Form 4, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, Second Amendment | Comments Off on The devil is in the details with proposed NFA trust changes