Category Archives: eForms

Some examiners are now allowing corrections on eForm submissions

One of the FFLs I deal with frequently has not yet adopted the eForms system because of the fact that paper applications offer the chance of a correction letter, whereas an error on a submitted eForm would result in a … Continue reading

Posted in eForms, NFA Trusts | Comments Off on Some examiners are now allowing corrections on eForm submissions

Free arm brace form 1 applications are being approved with conditions that might affect owners in the future

Those who applied for their ‘free’ arm brace tax stamp using the custom eForms process are already starting to get approvals back. However, these approvals come with conditions.  As you can see in the photo below, rather than being simply … Continue reading

Posted in 2021R-08F, Arm Brace, ATF, ATF Ruling, BATFE, eForms, Form 1, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Stabilizing Brace, Tax Stamp | Comments Off on Free arm brace form 1 applications are being approved with conditions that might affect owners in the future

The arm brace rule (2021R-08F) has been published in the Federal Register, so what do we do next?

As of January 31, 2023, the arm brace rule (2021R-08F) has been published in the Federal Register. and therefore, has the force and effect of law (unless overturned in the future by a legal challenge). If you own an arm … Continue reading

Posted in 2021R-08F, Administrative Law, AR Pistols, Arm Brace, ATF, ATF Ruling, BATFE, eForms, Form 1, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Stabilizing Brace, Tax Stamp | Comments Off on The arm brace rule (2021R-08F) has been published in the Federal Register, so what do we do next?

Documenting the date you assigned your arm brace pistol to your trust

The ATF has taken the position that, in order to register an SBR under the free tax stamp provision of the arm brace rule (2021R-08F), the pistol must  have already been assigned to, or owned by, the trust prior to … Continue reading

Posted in 2021R-08F, Administrative Law, AR Pistols, Arm Brace, ATF, ATF Ruling, BATFE, eForms, Form 1, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Stabilizing Brace, Tax Stamp | Comments Off on Documenting the date you assigned your arm brace pistol to your trust

The arm brace rule (2021R-08F) will be published January 31, 2023, so get those arm-braced equipped pistols in your trust today!

As of today the arm brace rule (2021R-08F) is in the Public Inspection Issue with a proposed date of publication in the Federal Register of tomorrow, January 31, 2023. Therefore, if you intend to register an item you own that has … Continue reading

Posted in 2021R-08F, Administrative Law, AR Pistols, Arm Brace, ATF, ATF Ruling, BATFE, eForms, Form 1, NFA Trusts, Regulatory Rulemaking, SBR, Short Barreled Rifles, Stabilizing Brace, Tax Stamp | Comments Off on The arm brace rule (2021R-08F) will be published January 31, 2023, so get those arm-braced equipped pistols in your trust today!